Templerhyd - PDC:20:00149

EID Tag : UK0710919/00149
Ram No :
Registration Type : RFRegister Female
Breeder : Mr Daniel Glyn Davies
Owner : Mr Daniel Glyn Davies
Sex : F
Birth No : 2
Birth Weight : 0.00
Date of Birth : 07/01/2020
Scrapie :
Status : Alive
Sire : LVX:19:02321 - Wharfe Skipton Storm (UK0123769/02321)
Dam : PDC:15:00057 - Templerhyd (UK0710919/00057)
Description :
Date Birth Notified : 20/04/2020
Date Registered : 20/04/2020

--Parents-- --Grand Parents-- --Great Grand Parents-- --Great Great Grand Parents--
ped1K14:14:00892 - Muirton One Direction (UK0521040/00892)
ped1SUT:16:00630 - Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic (UK1790724/01151)
ped3ped2FNV:13:144 - Strathisla
ped1SUT:18:02678 - Strathbogie Supershot (SUT:18:02678)
ped3ped3ped1CBK:K10 - Strathbeg Stan The Man
ped3ped2NAJ:L9 - Deveronside
ped3ped233H:F58 - Cairness
Sire : LVX:19:02321 - Wharfe Skipton Storm (UK0123769/02321)
ped3ped1K19:X41 - Fyvie Classic
ped3ped133H:N69~1 - Cairness Classic Fyvie
ped3ped3ped233H:H40 - Cairness
ped2LVX:16:01417 - Wharfe (UK0123769/01417)
ped3ped1FNV:J61 - Strathisla Dylan Thomas
ped2CFJ:K75 - Castlewellan
ped2CFJ:F16 - Castlewellan
ped1AOR:11:031 - Forkins Figo
ped1FNV:13:145 - Strathisla Eweramaster
ped3ped2FNV:N2 - Strathisla
ped1CBK:14:00195 - Strathbeg Ramstar (UK0524643/00195)
ped3ped3ped133H:K9~1 - Cairness Kanine
ped3ped2CBK:N19 - Strathbeg
ped3ped2157A:J30 - Laurelbank
Dam : PDC:15:00057 - Templerhyd (UK0710919/00057)
ped3ped1DHD:D87 - Glenhead Glacier
ped3ped1P50:H19~1 - Perrinpit Hitman
ped3ped3ped2CZF:S43 - Parkgate
ped2NBJ:K61 - Cargriff
ped3ped1JOD:D10 - Ewebank Duke
ped2NBJ:F44 -
ped271F:U79 - Guildendown
No Progeny Found.