Frongoy - NAT:18:04752

EID Tag : UK0743340/04752
Ram No :
Registration Type : RFRegister Female
Breeder : Mr Dafydd G Jones
Owner : Mr Dafydd G Jones
Sex : F
Birth No : 2
Birth Weight : 0.00
Date of Birth : 28/12/2017
Scrapie :
Status : Alive
Sire : KKW:17:00817 - Ballynacannon Black Diamond (UK1731441/00817)
Dam : NAT:16:02725 - Frongoy (UK0743340/02725)
Description :
Date Birth Notified : 25/06/2018
Date Registered : 18/12/2018

--Parents-- --Grand Parents-- --Great Grand Parents-- --Great Great Grand Parents--
ped1SUT:14:00848 - Strathbogie Jackpot
ped1JFF:15:01673 - Lakeview Harbinger (UK1750153/01673)
ped3ped2JFF:13:020 - Lakeview (UK1750153/00020)
ped1FHT:16:01269 - Solwaybank Master Debater (UK0581387/01269)
ped3ped3ped1A12:N114 - Rhaeadr Rastafari
ped3ped2FHT:11:028 - Solwaybank (UK0581387/00028)
ped3ped2FHT:K79 - Solwaybank
Sire : KKW:17:00817 - Ballynacannon Black Diamond (UK1731441/00817)
ped3ped1PNS:11:018 - Ardlea Champion
ped3ped11W:12:049~1 - Birness Bacardi
ped3ped3ped21W:N63~1 - Birness
ped2PAJ:13:001 - Greenan
ped3ped1HJW:F41 - Baileys Bar One
ped2AOR:J10 - Forkins
ped2AOR:Z17 - Forkins
ped11W:12:049~1 - Birness Bacardi
ped1KKW:14:00505 - Ballynacanon Denzil (UK1731441/00505)
ped3ped2KKW:J49 - Ballynacanon
ped1Z43:15:00511 - Willmar Top Man
ped3ped3ped1KSX:12:002 - Donbraid Devil
ped3ped2Z43:13:073 - Willmar
ped3ped2Z43:11:018 - Willmar
Dam : NAT:16:02725 - Frongoy (UK0743340/02725)
ped3ped1FNV:H40 - Strathisla Schumacher
ped3ped1FNV:J75 - Strathisla Massa
ped3ped3ped2FNV:F27~1 - Strathisla
ped2LTD:K2 - Beaufort
ped3ped1CFJ:D51 - Castlewellan High Society
ped2LTD:F19 - Beaufort
ped2D38:C22 - Blaencoed

Reg No Name Sex Date of Birth Owner Status
NAT:21:08017Frongoy (UK0743340/08017)F30/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:08025Frongoy (UK0743340/08025)M30/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:08028Frongoy (UK0743340/08028)M30/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:08011Frongoy (UK0743340/08011)M29/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:08039Frongoy (UK0743340/08039)F29/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:08008Frongoy (UK0743340/08008)F28/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:07996Frongoy (UK0743340/07996)M27/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:07997Frongoy (UK0743340/07997)M27/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:21:07998Frongoy (UK0743340/07998)F27/12/2020NATAlive
NAT:20:06807Frongoy (UK0743340/06807)M04/02/2020P2020Alive
NAT:20:06804Frongoy (UK0743340/06804)F03/02/2020NATAlive
NAT:20:06808Frongoy (UK0743340/06808)M03/02/2020P2020Alive
NAT:20:06797Frongoy (UK0743340/06797)F02/02/2020NATAlive
NAT:20:06799Frongoy (UK0743340/06799)F02/02/2020XASAlive
NAT:20:06789Frongoy Funtime Frankie (UK0743340/06789)M01/02/2020P2020Alive
NAT:20:06790Frongoy (UK0743340/06790)F01/02/2020NATAlive
NAT:20:06794Frongoy (UK0743340/06794)M01/02/2020P2020Alive